Sustainability Report Human Resources Community Development Health, Safety, Environment

Health, Safety, Environment

Commitment in HSE

As a Company engaged in the general mining business with high risk work, the Company is obliged to fulfill Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) aspects that orient to production quality to ensure the protection of all stakeholders’ interest. Therefore, PT Darma Henwa Tbk is committed to combining these four aspects by formulating and developing the  basis for the implementation and development of management system, along with the risk mitigation through DEWA Guidelines. This guideline is drawn up to ensure that the functions run in an organized way as well as minimize obstacles and disruption in the Company’s operational performance.     

Generally, the substantial elements of DEWA Guidelines consist of: legal-formal basis, purposes as contained in the vision, mission, and core values of the Company as the foundation of the implementation. On the technical side, the substance includes: the understanding on the Company’s business area and the scope of management, operational mechanism, supervision and method of measurement, and references in meeting quality standard/license of activity in each aspect.

For the purpose of ensuring the implementation of the program, the management has determined the objective and target as the parameter of success to support the achievement of the Company’s vision, which is by:

  • Fulfilling and complying with the applicable laws and government regulations and other relevant requirements.
  • Identifying, evaluating, and managing risks that may arise from certain work activity.
  • Creating a safe and healthy work environment that can prevent and minimize the occurrence of work-related disease, workplace accident, and environmental pollution that may adversely affects human being, environment, equipment, quality, and the community where we operate.
  • Ensuring that all information of the Company is strictly protected and managed.
  • Actively encouraging all employees, partners, and other stakeholders to take part in realizing safety and healthy work activities in order to achieve high performance.
  • Providing adequate resources and demonstrating excellent capability, including providing and using facilities, work equipment, and proper personal protective equipment, to manage all risks as well as efforts to reach the established goals and target.
  • Making customer service as the priority, in line with the Company’s deep concern on quality, and having the orientation to comply with the applicable standard, as well as continuously performing improvement.
  • Preparing a framework that suits this policy, the performance of which shall be continuously managed and periodically reported.
  • The management will continuously make improvement to ensure that the integrated management system remains effective and relevant to our operations.