
PT Darma Henwa Tbk has a guidance to develop human resources in mining operator industry that are professional and competitive, as well as have integrity and excellent work ethos, which is by implementing HR management mechanism that orients to operation excellence.

In order to support such goal, the Company is committed to maintaining the quality of HR through open and professional recruitment mechanism, the implementation of development program and training for employees to continuously improve their competency, and transparent mechanism to establish remuneration standard and career path by considering the internally fair and externally competitive environment, in order to support the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of the Company.

Career Opportunities

We open opportunities for the best candidates to join in our Company.

Please be aware and take cautions of any fraud conduct by individuals who used our Company names and or logo. We value our people from the very beginning therefore we never request or accept any payment from our applicants during the recruitment process.

Kindly confirm to our official number (+62 21 2991 2350) and email ( regarding any payment or purchase request made by individuals in the recruitment process.