Business Ethics
Business Ethics regulates how Darma Henwa as a company conducts its business or business activitiesethically and in accordancewith applicable laws and regulations. The application of Business Ethics to allstakeholders is regulated
as follows:
1. Operation of the Company
To ensure business continuity, the Company is responsible for:
a. Carrying out business activities in an ethical manner and in compliance with applicable lawsand regulations.
b. Ensuring that all Darma Henwa people are fully committed to ethical standards andthe implementation ofapplicable laws and regulations.
c. Understanding and supporting the development of local communities by applying theprinciples of mutual respectand development.
d. Supporting the preservation of the environment in the Company’s operational areas.
2. The Company’s Ethics to Employees
The Company protects the interests of employees in accordance with applicable laws andregulations. The followingethics are expected to be followed when interacting with the employees:
a. Providing equal opportunities in terms of remuneration, promotion, and rewards toemployees according to theirperformance, competence and loyalty, and providing strict punishment forall forms of violationscommitted by employees.
b. Implementing employment-related processes and decisions regarding recruitment, development,and promotion of employeesbased on expertise and work performance, regardless of ethnicity,religion, race, nationality,gender, or other discriminatory matters.
c. Creating a work environment that is safe, healthy, conducive and free from all forms ofpressure and intimidation.
d. Consistently Implementing Collective Labor Agreements (PKB) and CompanyRegulations.
e. Respecting the rights and obligations of employees based on Company Regulations, CollectiveLabor Agreements (PKB), andapplicable laws and regulations.
f. Giving freedom to employees to express their opinions and aspirations in an ethical mannerand in compliance withapplicable laws and regulations.
3. The Company’s Ethics to Customers
The Company prioritizes excellent service, proactive attitude, and responsiveness in interactingwith customers. Thefollowing ethics are expected to be followed when interacting with the customers:
a. Serving customers politely and professionally.
b. Delivering complete and accurate information about the Company, especially related to theCompany’s businessactivities and services.
c. Putting forward professional service standard for customer satisfaction.
d. Paying attention to the needs of customers and continuously monitoring and improvingservices by enhancing workstandards supported by appropriate technology.
4. The Company’s Ethics to suppliers
The Company builds relationship with goods and services providers or suppliers based on legal,efficient and fair principles while upholding the applicablelaws and regulations. Thefollowing ethics are expected to be followed when interacting with theSuppliers:
a. Determining suppliers based on product quality, after sales service, warranty, achievement, andtrack record with theprinciple of mutual benefit between the two parties.
b. Respecting the rights and obligations of suppliers in accordance with the contract and applicablelaws and regulationsprovisions.
c. Establishing open and reliable communication during the procurement process until thefulfillment of rights andobligations of the parties.
5. The Company’s Ethics to creditors
The Company receives loans for use of business purposes and to increase the Company’s added value.The following ethics areexpected to be followed when interacting with the Creditors:
a. Selecting creditors by taking account of the Company’s interest as well as benefits, costsand risks.
b. Respecting the rights of creditors, including the right to obtain information on the use offunds in accordance withthe agreement as well as laws and regulations.
c. Complying with the agreement as set forth in the contract between the Company andcreditors.
6. The Company’s Ethics to the Government
The Company builds a harmonious and constructive relationship with central and regionalgovernments for thepurposes of business development, compliance with regulations, and improvement of thelocal and national economy.The following ethics are expected to be followed when interacting with central andregional government:
a. Fostering good relations and communication to develop a healthy and competitive businessclimate while developingnational economic competitiveness.
b. Fulfilling all business and licensing requirements in a professional manner to comply withapplicable laws andregulations.
c. Upholding honesty and transparency in dealing with all government agencies and officials.
d. Ensuring transparency, clarity, completeness, and accuracy in every report and permitapplication submitted tothe Government.
7. The Company’s Ethics to the Community
The Company implements social and community programs to improve the quality of life andempower the potential ofthe surrounding community. The following ethics are expected to be followed wheninteracting with thecommunity:
a. Maintaining harmony with the local community.
b. Building cooperation with community leaders and the government, organization and relatedagencies in communitydevelopment.
c. Optimizing the Company’s assistance programs to the public and promoting them to improve theCompany’s reputation.
d. Encouraging the empowerment of the surrounding community’s potential through mutuallybeneficial economic andemployment cooperation.
e. Preventing from and avoiding actions that lead to community discrimination based on ethnicity,religion, race, class, andgender.
f. Encouraging all Darma Henwa’s people to play an active role in contributing to social andeconomic development of thesurrounding community.
8. The Company’s Ethics to Shareholders
The Company is committed to increasing added value for shareholders and protecting the rights ofshareholders in accordancewith applicable laws and regulations. The following ethics are expected to befollowed when interactingwith the shareholders:
a. Giving fair treatment to all shareholders.
b. Ensuring the fulfillment of the rights of shareholders in accordance with the Company’sarticles of association andapplicable laws and regulations.
c. Providing information that has been declared open to shareholders in a complete, accurate,timely and easilyaccessible manner in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations.
9. The Company’s Ethics to Subsidiaries
In developing business, the Company can establish subsidiaries or partner to form jointventures. The relationshipbetween the Company and its subsidiaries and joint ventures is built to create synergyand improve the Company’sperformance. The Company’s commitment to ethical behavior in interactingwith its subsidiariesincludes:
a. Ensuring that all business relationships with subsidiaries and joint ventures are builtbased on a reasonablebusiness relationship that is the same as that of developed with unaffiliatedparties.
b. Mutually respecting the interests of each party through mutually beneficial cooperationagreements.
10. The Company’s Ethics to the Media
The Company is committed to always providing clear and accurate information through the media. Thefollowing ethics areexpected to be followed when interacting with the media:
a. Building and developing relations with the media to enhance reputation and achieve Companygoals.
b. Providing information about the Company’s performance that is accurate and accountableto the public.
c. Using the media as a way to answer questions raised by shareholders, investors, and other thirdparties.
11. The Company’s Ethics to Competitors
In carrying out its business activities, the Company is committed to implementing fair competitionand regards competitors asa driver that encourages the Company to always provide the best for customers. Thefollowing ethics areexpected to be followed when interacting with the competitor:
a. Maintaining good relationship and respecting the existence of competitors.
b. Demonstrating healthy, ethical, and competitive behavior in accordance with Company’sregulations and applicablelaws and regulations.
c. Making competitor as a benchmark in order to improve the Company’s performance.